This laughing Buddha was a wedding gift by a dear friend, and since then it has occupied the pride of place in my drawing room. It is always a warm and happy feeling to look at someone with such a merry expression on the face. Moreover, it is quite heartening to see a well fed rotund belly, resting comfortably on a relaxed and happy body in the era crazy for size zero; I am always on the lookout for such realistic inspirations:-)

Like this laughing Buddha, which has made the indoors a gay and happy place, its namesake – Buddha belly plant – has added vivacity to the outdoors.

Jatropha podagarica or the Buddha belly plant, as it is known because of its wonderful belly, is an eternal favorite of mine. Whenever it found a place in the posts, it has always received an inquisitive comment from the fellow bloggers.
I procured the plant from a local nursery for its merrily swollen belly.

It flowers all the year round. During winters, though it loses its large lobed leaves but the coral red flowers hold.

As the climate gets colder the leaves have started falling off giving the plant a denuded look but the beauty of the belly will remain unaffected.

The plant does have great vibes as is evident from the butterflies flocking to it.

My daughter loves it for the seedpods that explode launching the seeds several feet away.

Ultimately, this is one happy plant which helps brighten up the mood, and for a good luck charm – I occasionally rub its belly too!
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